Since joining the Blair School faculty in 2012, Jeremy has built one of the premiere undergraduate trombone programs in the country. The Vanderbilt Brass student experience rests on three pillars: Individual attention within a supportive community. A high standard of excellence, but with a focus on health, humanity, and belonging. And building skillsets that are at or above the industry-standard, in an environment of holistic training and mentorship.

The Body Mind Spirit Method is based on the idea that the best music we can make is the music we make with our whole selves. By identifying which parts of the self are functioning well, and which parts might be interfered with, underdeveloped, or out of balance in the music-making process, we can pursue an intentionally holistic mindset of that helps us make the music we want to make and build sustainable and enjoyable careers.

The Standard Repertoire project is an ongoing multi-year endeavor that aims to publish performance videos and tips videos on YouTube for as much of the trombone’s standard repertoire as possible. We also aim to expand our industry’s definition of what “standard” means and advocate for works and composers that we would like to see performed more widely and more often.